Self-isolation self-reflection. Our guide to help you through lockdown.

In a time where our lives and surroundings are changing by the hour and we are facing imminent lockdown, it is becoming so incredibly important to look after your mental welfare for the sake of your families and loved ones who you will be bunkering down with! The lockdown period will undoubtedly prove to have different challenges for each individual and that is why we have taken the time to share one of Mirrored Horizons tools to help keep a clear mind through the next few weeks/months.

This will help you and your family through this time of isolation but will also be something that you can carry with you into many varying scenarios throughout your life. Over the last 12 months, we have been asked about our business name ‘Mirrored Horizons’ and what it represents. It is during these times that one of our elements to our business name, being self-reflection through our ‘mirror’, becomes an extremely useful tool for understanding and being able to embrace who you are.

To be able to truly embrace who you are, taking the time to reflect on your life, the insights you’ve gathered along the way and noticing when you are truly your best self are all equally as important to understand your own needs. There are many components we consider in embracing who you are but one that we feel is important to share as we consider the possibility of a lockdown is our model ‘a step by step guide to fulfiling your needs.’

Needs are the things that we require to contribute to a sense of well-being. When we satisfy a given need they help develop our sense of happiness and fulfilment. Each person will require different needs in varying amounts. We feel positive emotions, or we become “at our best” when our needs are fulfilled to the level we require.

A need acts as a motivator for behaviour. It influences us to act in a manner that we believe to be consistent with achieving the desired outcome (satisfying our needs).

Whilst basic human needs are consistent in nature, the amount a person requires to feel fulfilled can vary greatly from person to person for a variety of reasons. Having an understanding of when you are operating at your optimum can give you insight into what your needs are and what you require to fulfill them.

Examples of basic human needs are sleep/rest, food or connection/ belonging.

Some people require very small amounts of sleep or downtime, for example, 5-6 hours; whereas others require 8-10 hours of sleep or rest to function at their best.

Some people need to eat at regular intervals and will be hungry as soon as they wake in the morning along with four hours after each meal, whilst others can function for hours on end without thinking of food.

Some people need a lot of time on their own to consider and organise their thoughts, whereas others need to be around people socialising to feel a sense of connection.

Our Co-founder Julia has been preparing for lockdown and started to have important conversations with her husband and children around everyone’s different needs.

“As I consider what a lockdown would mean with my husband and three children, I am considering my needs and their needs to create a plan and possible schedule that will see us be at our best.

What I know about myself and my needs are also connected to what I value. My needs are as follows;

  • A good night’s sleep with three kids aged 5, 3 and 3months I need 6 hours to be at my best normally I need 8 hours.

  • I need to refuel with food frequently - I am one of those people who becomes ‘hangry’ when it has been too long between meals. My husband knows this, especially at breakfast time. Healthy options also make me feel good about myself

  • Family time – I value quality time with my family

  • Exercise - helps me to release stress, maintain a positive mood and maintain composure

  • A clean and organised environment – This calms my mind and helps me to feel a sense of control

  • Purpose – to be contributing to my overall purpose to have a sense of self-worth

  • I need stimulation to keep my mind active –Met through interaction with people, books, articles or experiencing something new be it an experience a place or an idea to stimulate my thinking and challenge my knowledge

  • Time to invest in myself – I value self-development and this can be achieved through reading, attending courses and seminars, podcasts

  • Space with my thoughts– I grew up in the country and I find I need to connect with the environment

  • Time for myself –Spending some time without my children – I am one of those people that when I have done something for myself, I am excited to seem my children and it makes me appreciate them so much more

  • Challenge – I like to work on things and with people who challenge my thinking and my paradigms. I very much value constant evolution and growth and as such, I thrive on feedback”

Whether a lockdown eventuates or not, understanding your particular individual needs to operate at your best is a great activity to do with your partner, family or even colleagues at work to identify what your individual and collective needs are. Once you outline everyone’s needs, you will be able to better outline plans on how you can work with those around you to accommodate your needs and those you interact with frequently. Using this knowledge, you can work to establish, daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly plans to accommodate these needs. Developing a schedule or plan that incorporates meeting your needs will allow you to feel energised and fulfilled knowing you are taking steps to achieve those things that will help bring out the best in yourself and those around you.

The good stuff… How to do this for yourself!

1.       Write out the things that you know you need in life.

For example; “I need to exercise in the morning to energise myself and clear my mind.”

2.       Start to note what this does for you when you do complete it and what happens if you do not fulfil this need.

For example; “When I do this, I think clearer and I’m more rational. When I don’t do this, I tend to start thinking negatively and become anxious.”

3.       Outline the actions you’re going to commit to, to ensure your needs are being met.

For example; “I am going to wake up before my children to do 30 mins of exercise in the backyard.”

This easy, self-reflective, three-step practice could mean providing that little bit more clarity for you and your family during a time riddled with uncertainty. We, like so many other small businesses, are desperate to help those around us in any way we can and if by providing you with this easy to follow model will help during self-isolation or potential lockdown in some small way, we’re happy!

Be kind to one another, stay safe and fulfil those needs the best you can!!